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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

from Contribute

Using Web Addresses and Links in MyLinkWiki


Inserting URLs

The easiest way to use web addresses in the wiki is to simply insert the URL as you're editing the wiki page. The wiki automatically turns URLs into links like this - http://MyLinkWiki.com .


Be careful with trailing punctuation


However in such cases the wiki will include trailing punctuation in the link and ruin it. To avoid problems:


MyLinkWiki Web Addresses


The MyLinkWiki URL is http://MyLinkWiki.com . MyLinkWiki is physically located at http://linkedin.pbwiki.com , which you'll see in your browser address bar. While you can use the http://linkedin.pbwiki.com domain for your wiki page URLs, such as http://linkedin.pbwiki.com/FrontPage , we do not recommend it. The destination wiki URL may change for a variety of reasons.


Please use the http://MyLinkWiki.com domain to ensure your web address is always correct.


How to create a MyLinkWiki address


  1. Get the literal domain from your browser address bar, such as http://linkedin.pbwiki.com/FrontPage .
  2. Substitute "http://MyLinkWiki.com" for "http://linkedin.pbwiki.com" to create a MyLinkWiki URL, such http://MyLinkWiki.com/FrontPage .


Automation idea

Create a Microsoft Word macro to change the wiki address. See MyLinkWikiAddressMacro.


Editing wiki pages outside the wiki


If you edit pages outside the wiki, there may be problems due to how other programs handle web addresses and cutting and pasting. Extraneous characters may be added that are the HTML-safe translation of existing characters, such as for amersands and spaces. However these characters will cause bad links in the wiki.


Here are a few invalid links that were posted by MyLinkWiki contributors.


Example 1:


*should be*



Example 2:


*should be*



Be careful when you make such edits and test all links when you paste them back into the wiki.

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