
from October-07-Disaster, IntroductionManagement

Sent Introductions Filter


Introduction Management


LinkedIn limits the number of Introductions you can send to initiate contact. It's critical to manage them to ensure the most value and use out of them. Finding your sent Introductions (this article) is the first step. See IntroductionManagement for more info on the overall process.


Finding Sent Introductions


The following breaks down the process of finding Sent Introductions. Later sections illustrate how to accomplish this in LinkedIn.


  1. View your sent Introductions, including regular, group, and OpenLink Introductions. The display should show all the Intros allotted, five for free personal account and fifteen for basic business account.
  2. Filter them to display Pending Introductions only.
  3. Reverse sort them by date sent.


Before Oct 2007


It was easy to manage Introductions. The Sent Introductions page only showed Intros that you initiated. A filter feature allowed users to select and display only Pending Introductions. The filtered results could be reverse sorted so the oldest Introductions were displayed on top. You simply start at the top of the list. Review each of your older pending Introductions and stop when your reach your cutoff point by date. For example, if you don't withdraw Introductions younger than a week, then there is no need to review those Introductions.


After Oct 2007


LinkedIn redesigned Introduction display in October 2007. See October-07-Disaster. After this change there is no practical way to find sent initiated Introductions. If you have 10 connections and only forward one Introduction a month, this is a non-issue. However it is virtually impossible for active LinkedIn users who regularly forward Introductions.






LinkedIn response


After two months and dozens of emails I've received the following official notice from LinkedIn on this issue.


"Linkedin will not reinstate that filter. The redesign was well thought out and tested for its designed purpose. It has been very successful."


So LinkedIn will NO LONGER provide a way for its members to display their sent Introductions and NO LONGER enable members to directly manage their own Introductions.


Obviously every change accomplishes SOME purpose. When it removes a useful feature and when a networking site can't support a core networking principle - managing Introductions - then that design is critically flawed. It is sad that LinkedIn won't admit that and that it took two months for me get an answer on it.




