
From Directory

Related - LinkedInSurprises, LinkedInArrogance, Why, ItsNotYourNetwork


LinkedIn Issues, problems, and limits ... or LinkedIn giveth and LinkedIn just as easily taketh without replacing




Please read Why for editorial on why LinkedIn continually restricts its service.


LinkedIn doesn't screw* with its users, though it may feel that way. If something doesn't work like you expect, remember, or want, there may be other reasons.  It's always best to contact Customer Service and complain. Sometimes they do respond.  Occasionally they acknowledge their bugs.  And once in a blue moon they fix bugs or revert changes.


* This is based on my personal experience and conversation with management, now several years ago.  Your experience may vary.


Technical limitations.

LinkedIn is so big and poorly architected that functions may:

These bugs sometimes get fixed, sometimes they don't.


User settings

Sometimes LinkedIn adds or changes settings that affect what other members see of you and your activity, especially when there is a privacy or security matter.  If something changes it may be due to LinkedIn's addition of a different default setting or another user's intentional setting change.


Issues for all users


Issues specifically for ActiveNetworkers.


Or let's network ... but not too much


LinkedIn does not provide tools and features if you have many connections and contacts. Instead LinkedIn goes the other direction and increasingly programs the service to limit and make it difficult for ActiveNetworkers to use the service. Why? ItsNotYourNetwork - LinkedIn dictates how you can use their service.


Important Changes - See October 07 Disaster


The irony in a number of these cases is that LinkedIn isn't just targeting ActiveNetworkers, the limits also affect ANY user who may be away from LinkedIn for a few weeks or longer due to vacation, job change, etc. and finds a big pile of Introductions, Invitations, and other messages waiting for him.


The following is a partial list of features that LinkedIn has removed.



Group restrictions


Reinstated features

The following features were removed or reduced, and later restored.



Customer Service