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For Beginners
- MyLinkWiki is a collaborative web site all about LinkedIn. It contains article, tips, and links from leading LinkedIn users. Learn tips on using it better, how others are using LinkedIn, and how it can make you more successful.
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Enjoy and Happy Networking!
Once upon a time I had a web site called LinkedInPro, now MyLinkPro, with hundreds of articles and links. But I am a gnat on the wall compared to the huge community of enthusiasts who help LinkedIn users, networkers, recruiters, jobseekers, and many others. So I created MyLinkWiki to hold not just my content but yours. I am your humble servant. Please enjoy your stay here at MyLinkWiki. Read, learn, post, and make LinkedIn and networking easier, more enjoyable, and more productive for everyone. Share your tips, thoughts, articles, and links. Thank you for your support and being a part of our extended network. -- MarcFreedman , Your LinkDaddy and MyLinkWiki Host
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